Reflection 18.7.2014

Liva Goba – Innovation in School

the organisational culture perspective – the meaning of culture – personal and professional growth of teachers – curricular paradigms – transforming in learning – reflection

Carmen – Recent advances in the assessment and intervention in mental health by the use of technology

recent advances in the assessment and intervention in mental health by the use of technology – what is mental health? = state of mind, balance in emotions, rational way of the solving problems, feeling relaxed, emotional and physical well-being, etc – there is no such definition accepted – factors: biological, psychological, social – mental illness: impaired functioning, distress, symptoms, reduced capacity to live a menaingful life, impaired productivity, problematic relationships, threat to QoL – anxiety, ASD, ADHD, LD, eating disorders, etc. – risks: burnout, high mortality rates, physical health problems – – great task : fear/happy – projective test – e- therapy i loved this presentation and the test as well, this field is very interesting for me, i like studying people and reasons of their issues, so thank you!

Inguna Melne – Be brave!

Inguna showed us how to break the ice in the classroom, how to be brave and how to improve relationships in the classroom or other social groups, and how to rely on the person, as well.

Kart Kase- Educational Uses of Digital Storytelling

Intro to digital storytelling

Types of digital stories

Skills improved by digital storytelling

Digital Storytelling Process

I think that digital storytelling is useful in nearly every subject in school,moreover storytelling bring the opportunity to intergrate more subjects together. As a future English teacher, I really appreciate these kinds of tools, storytelling is perfect for languages.

Kart showed us some of her own videos, then discussion followed.

Ema Kusen, Brigita Klemen – Dyslexia: Can m-learning help?

Vignette as a research method

interactive, motivating, controlled, engaging

Reflection 17.7.2014

Christian Kogler- Dreaming of producing film? – 72 hours to produce the educational video 

– introduction to competition

Petra Bauer -the use of e-learning tools in international cooperation between courses in higher education at universities

International guidelines for universities in political and economic fields – suggestions:

intercultural competences, media literacy, OER for students, interdisciplinary way of learning

– target  of Bologna process – employability – output orientation+ training of expert knowledge, slef-reflection, method skills, communication skills, etc.

They cooperate with two universities – Finnish and Greece

they use LMS: Olat – international parts: virtual introduction, social exchange, …

social exchange – many topics in the forum: Finnish culture, Use of new media, Christams in Tampere, Finnish and German cooking, Copying with the darkness, etc.

Assesment for the German students was made by e-portfolio

problems with international cooperation:  time management, acceptance of credit points

work in group –  discussion – our question:

Do we need a LMS or should we use open social media?
We came out with these suggestionsI ideas:
  • LMS: is it used to the full extend?
  • Data Security Questions connected to the use of social media for data exchange
  • Personal Blog as an system combining PLE and OER
Wilke Held – The political village 2.0
2 parts: The political village – aim of the method, procedure without web support
             The political village 2.0
3 steps: discovery, systemizing, applying
Wilke has been a great presenter and came with very interesting topic. In my opinion political education is very important.
There are different political simulation games, for children as well as for students in higher education, the time needed can vary from a few hours to several weeks, some of these are even on an international level, depending on who organizes the simulations
Evolution of the method: technically, didactically
Advantages of the village 2.0
Jennifer Hoff – Chances and Limits of the Interactive Whiteboard in the Classroom
Importance of media duirng lessons: time saving, growth of knowledge, etc.
What do we have to do before starting?: teacher as a guide and moderator- no omniscience, unpredectible lessons, cooperation of different subjects, etc.
Possibilities: older pupils can help younger ones, activation supports memory,etc.
Problems (interactive whiteboard) – different type of writing, teachers use them despite the fact,they do not know how to use them.
Regarding Slovak situation, I know that teachers do not have many experience in using whiteboard, moreover I think that not many schools are provided with them. I absolutely agree with Jenny´s opinion that it shouldn´t be used in the classroom till the teacher who uses it is not real “professional” in that. But it is a very good tool, especially for me as a future English teacher – very useful for vocabulary, grammar (e.g. putting sentences into correct order,  filling the gaps,etc.), also for speaking, e.g. students have some task and do it on the whiteboard while they are explaining the procedure. But on the other hand, it takes so much time for teachers to prepare smth, they have to be thus very patient ( like in everything that teaching involves).
Marie –  Christine Hensel –  More Transparency= More Motivation?
How can pupils be convinced that the given marks are fair and represent their achievements? – discussion. In my opinion, we have to give the criteria at the beginning of the semester/ academic year and strictly follow them, I mean not to prioritize or underestimate anybody.
For iPads, iPod and iPhone –
On our backchannel many interesting questions appeared and issued a zealous discussion about grading children in the school with marks only or also with some feedback -e.g. oral. In my opinion, some feedback is very important not only for child, but also fot parents, but unfortunately some parents care only about marks.
Tobias Bahert – More Engagement with gamification – More Transparency II
Let´s discuss! – Motivation –  is a process, is personal, has a direction, Bela is energizing!! 🙂
Types of motivation
Game based learning?!
Activity : gamification goes with motivation, video:
How to use the possibilities of web 2.0 and gamification to engage students: 
Great presentation, we didn´t have an opportunity to talk about motivation so much, although it is so important issue connected to education. Of course, the way Toby did his presentation was great and funny, he´s a great presenter 🙂

Reflection 16.7.2014


Kaspars Kiris – Teaching Data Bases for teachers using e-gradebook

Typical learning tools, Using databases in schools in Latvia,

– cloud based gradebooks used in Latvia –  school management system

– discussion – comparing the systems of our countries

Daiga Kuzmane –  Learning to learn

Discussion/ group activity: How to foster the development of learning to learn skills in the digital century? This activity forced us to think  about it deeper and find out some practical suggestions how to improve learning to learn skill.

Ausma Dukure – How to make a good presentation

Inspirative! although I know rules for a good presentation, I learned something new..and very good discussion followed after the presentation!! At our session I issued the discussion about how people present their presentations regarding their actual emotional state. I am always very nervous in front of such a large audience we have here in our IP and I usually make some gestures I found pretty bothering for the audience. Actually, this IP also gave me opportunity to watch myself presenting and do the self – reflection.

Janis – DevientART

– an artist and society today – discussion

– importance of social networks in artist lifes

– what is devientART and how it works

– our activity: DRAWING!

I found this presentation quite useless in connection with our interest, but I understood that Janis is into art and then it is understandable that he chosen this topic. But it was interesting and Janis is a great presenter!

Edgars Karkovskis – Web based tools for modern schools

– he showed us an example of Myspace – how it looked like at the beginning in 1996 and how it has been developed since that time… he wanted to point the evolution of technology.

He took it as an opportunity to show us also how he is used to teach in his class.

polls online  – Poll Everywhere:,

another example of the app:
All of the things that Edgars showed us I found very usefull and very good for me as a future English teacher. Looking forward to try it ! 🙂 Of course, Edgars showed us how to block certain webpages – his favourite! 😀
One of the blocking sites:

Reflection 15.7.2014

Hangout with Martin Eben from Graz – Technology enhanced learning

Web 2.0 technologies (and beyond) in Higher Education

– many platforms that can be used in teaching and learning

– live lecturing with the help of technology

– podcasting – students can watch the lecture

– learning in times of abundance

– open source streaming platforms

– reflection in groups connected with the discussion – our group focused mainly on the NFC codes and issued the discussion about the usage of NFC codes in school. I would add my personal opinion about these conference calls – I appreciate much more our ordinary sessions, because somehow I pay attention much more than when having the conference call, and moreover the technical  connection failed for several minutes :/

Carlos Silva – Educational Robotics

Carlos started his presentation with a story with which he wanted to explain us the reason why he is attending this IP. It was refreshing and he did it in guite funny way, which I liked.

He issued some discussions, e.g. with the Japanese saying – “Give a man a fish and you will feed him for one day. Teach him how to fish and feed him for a lifetime. “

Mindstorms in action

Glória Bastos – Conditions for Success

Pedagogical model – basic ideas: student centered, flexibility, interaction, digital inclusion

Interaction among students through working with tool – forum – autonomous way of reading documents first,  – then – sharing ideas of the document in the forum, huge number of inteventions, programme evaluation..


Reflection of the day – 14.7.2014

1. presentation – Sabina Teodorescu –  AT for children with dyslexia

Another presentation connected to assistive technologies for children with impairments.

Sabina mentioned or showed us many programs or apps to cope with dyslexia – e.g. mindmaps for kids – Kidspark, Draftbuilder, storybooks – Meet Heckery,, but she focused in one part on Reading Pen. I found it difficult to use this device for people with dyslexia, because I know that often people with dyslexia have also dysgraphia at one time and this pen has to be hold under the 90° angle, which is very difficult for people with dysgraphia, who cannot often grab the pen normally. So I see it as a large disadvantage.

2. presentation – Cristina Neto – Open Educational Resources

This presentation was very interesting and instructive for me and issued zealous discussion. I liked the way in which Cristina prepared the presentation – with Beginner´s test, then after the presentation was over and we were kind of “experts” in the topic, we got the similar test 🙂 I found the best benefit of sharing personal resources with other people in getting review from them so I can see whether I shoul improve my materials or edit them somehow.

3. presentation – Berta Elias – From b-learning to the web 2.0 in the future

This was very complex and in some way more theoretical presentation, although Berta showed us also practical things that she uses in her classes. Since Berta is a foreign language teacher – she teaches French language – it was very inspirative for me as a future English teacher also because I could consider some things from more personal point of view than any presentation before.

4. presentation – Dilaila Botas – Digital Resources in Elementary Schools

The presentation was part of the Master thesis about a use of didactic materials in elementary school. She introduced us many things she can use with her students on math classes. Dilaila was mainly talking about the situation in Portugal. Then of course there was a discussion and we were comparing Portugal´s and other countries´ situation.

5. presentation – Bela Matos – Using technology in dance education

Dance! Dance! Dance! It was exactly what I expected from Bela. She is so enthusiastic and has a lot of energy 🙂 She was a great presenter and managed to wake us up at the end of the day 🙂 It was one of the best presentations. I liked that she mentioned previous presentations in her own, because she took some knowledge from them and as she said, wants to use it in practice. And isn´t it the point of our IP? 🙂 Thank you ,Bela.

Reflection 11.7. 2014

Thomas – From e-learning via m-learning to u-learning

Mobile learning- no e-learning, emphasizing the human aspect..learning aspect
Mobile learning – the future- portable, others can learn,not just people in University, border between learning and mobile learning – when the learning process starts=>> discussion

Activity – what is learning? – in groups- nice “philospophical” discussion

QR code –, functions of the QR code
NFC – in shops-codes, more functions than QR code
Orchestration in field of mobile learning

Niklas Berend –MOOCs massive open online course – X,C =>> pretty new information for me, very interesting
BAsic Ideas and challenges – intro, challenges
Coursera –provider

Vera Cwierz: Design and production of interactive learning videos

Introduction: How do we learn? Behaviorizm, Cognitivism, Constructivism= pragmatizm

Practical part- example- visual+ audial- Adobe captivate

=>> very interesting and inspirative, Vera did a great job, it took her a long time to prepare short example for us!! 🙂

Thomas – e- books – ePub 3 sample video, interactive math book

after the break : Hangout with Gregor Cholewa – Micro learning with KnowledgePulse
Knowledge Fox , discussion, example

Long day after hard night 🙂 but we learnt a lot this day despite the tiredness 🙂

Moreover, the great abreaction after sessions=>> nice basketball match with our Latvian and German friends :)Thank youuuu!

Reflection 10.7. 2014

1. presentation – Catrinel Frincu : Assistive Technology support for people with intelectual dissabilities in education

Introduction to the topic:

What does dissability mean?

Principles: Equitable use, Flexibility in Use, Simple and intuitive use, Perceptible info, Tolerance for Error, Low physicla effort

Assisitive Technology:Reading: Daisybooks, The Reading Pen, Apps: MeGenius, Alphabet Zoo, Blio, etc. Writing: Co:Writer, Wynn, Dragon Dictate, Smartpen, Math: Electronic math worksheets, Talking calculators, Cloud Math, etc. , Communication. Dynavox, iConverse, i Communication,etc.

Study Strategies



2. presentation – Andreaa Hiciu: Assistive Technologies for persons with dysgraphia

Apps introduced: Little writer, Crayon Maze, Keyboard classroom, Evernote, Labyrinth Lite


3. presentation- Anna Maria Marian: Assistive Technologies for Students with hearing impairments

Oral motor exercises, Breathing exercises : Magic candle, Speak Companion Speech, Deaf Helper (android apps + their advantages and disadvantages)

Activity – Reading from the lips – very challenging and also funny 🙂

4. presentation- Lavinia Mateut – The Role of Technologies and Supports Centers in Universities for the Inclusion of visualy impaired students

Activity with Braille

5. presentation – Alina Mosic – The Role of Technology in the Enhancement Quality of life for persons with motor disability

– alternative keyboards, Joysticks, Trackballs

After these presentations about assistive technologies, there were quite zealous discussions and debates whether apps are useful or not. In my opinion it might be helpful, depends on the personal approach and also on the app itself. But these presentations as well as discussions were very inspirative.

Reflection 9.7.2014

Thomas Peterseil

1. Warm – up activity: Brainstorming, “You cannot not communicate!”

2. HD vs. normal voice

3. Introduction to sip

Anna Krekeler – Challenges of Opportunities of web 2.0 supported, Concept based civic education

1.Explanation of the concept of civic education

2. Concepts in civic education: pre-concepts and concepts

3. Challenges and opportunities

4. e-portfolio

Tim Riplinger and Niklas Berend – Tablets in education

1. Activity with QR codes in groups – presenting groups´ outcomes of activity

2.Tik Tik sCool Tool est. by Steve Jobs, Connectivism, Constructivism

3. German teachers´ opinions on using tablets at schools

4. Very inspirative discussion on the topic